plan of the Annenviertel" was the attempt to describe a city district
in a different way, not under a mere touristic point of view. The
map has been created by order of the City of Graz and as a co-production
of < rotor > center for contemporary art, the design agency En Garde,
the Stadtteilmanagement Annenviertel and the degree program Journalism
& PR of FH Joanneum. The "Annenviertel MAP" has been presented for
the first time at the St. Etienne International Design Biennale
(FR). The city district map - as an official contribution by the
City of Graz as UNESCO City of Design - was on that occasion part
of the exhibition EmpathiCITY. The map has been developed with the
participation of more than 50 residents of the Annenviertel, who
were mapping the district. 30 first semester students of the University
of applied sciences, who also administrate the hyperlocal community-weblog
annenpost.at, made additional interviews and supported the work
on the texts. Margit Steidl drew the district, En Garde developed
the design. The "map" was printed in 20.000 copies in German language
and 10.000 copies in English language (format A2), and is available
all over the Annenviertel.
You'll see: there
is hardly anything you won't find in the Annenviertel. In no other
city area of Graz, life is as diverse as here. There are more clubs
and call shops, more design and variety stores than anywhere else.
There are parks, secret paths, and a wonderful farmer's market.
And you'll discover more playful appropriations of the city and
interesting initiatives than in all the remaining city districts
Don't be surprised:
Although everything is available here, the "Annenviertel" as such
does not actually exist. It is not delineated on any other city
map. Strange! This is going to change now: From now on, the Annenviertel
won't only have a name, but also a map - moreover, a map that has
been jointly charted by the communities living here and many residents
of the Annenviertel themselves. Just for you! In the course of many
conversations, they revealed their favorite spots, both useful and
odd - places one gladly recommends to neighbors and visitors. "Our
Map of the Annenviertel" is the result of these conversations.
One more thing:
"Our Map of the Annenviertel" is just one of many possible maps
of the Annenviertel you can create. Talk to the local people and
they'll cite many other places they hold dear. They will explain
to you that the Annenviertel is actually much bigger or smaller
than indicated on this map. And they are right. The Annenviertel
has no borders. It centers around Annenstraße, but actually goes
far beyond it. The Annenviertel can be anywhere. Perhaps, you'll
also find a little bit of it inside yourself
Concept: Margarethe Makovec, Mario
Rampitsch, Simone Reis, Margit Steidl, Thomas Wolkinger
Texts: class JPR12 of the FH
Degree Program Journalism & PR (www.annenpost.at), Joachim Hainzl
(Walk), Thomas Wolkinger
Design: EN GARDE (using clichés and types by the print shop A. Bauer)
Illustration: Margit Steidl
Typesetting: Viola Prüller
Translation: Otmar Lichtenwörther
Print: Medienfabrik
Mappers: Fabian (13), Ali , Resi,
Shail, Meris, Andreas, Paul, Anna, Lisa, Simon, Stefan, Jürgen,
Kara, Tanja, Elisa, Nana, Eva M., Eva P., Gerhard, Markus M., Priska,
Theresia, Nina, Cornelia, Thomas, Ali Ö., Chris, Claudia, Joseph,
Martin, Claudia H., Sylvia, Tino, Murad, Eva I., Brigit, Doris,
ILA, Kurt, Gunda, Markus K., Norbert, Conny, Hermann, Gabi, Pepi,
Renate, Eva K., Christof, Wolfgang, Ali K. (58) u.v.a.m.