of the opening
of the exhibition
In the exhibition all the works that were
produced in the frame of workshops and participatory projects in spring
and summer 2010 are on display. Exhibition venues are < rotor >
and several locations in the Annenviertel area.
The city belongs to everyone, but who actually develops it? In the Annen
district of Graz, a vibrant, very international part of the city, a wide
variety of different forms of coexistence are being pragmatically tested
every day, with resourcefulness and a gift for improvisation. The long-term
“Annenviertel!” project uses a wide array of artistic and
cultural strategies to demonstrate how this urban space, in which contrasting
worlds are just a few steps away from each other, can be shaped and the
voice of those who live here can be amplified.
For all the questions and problems facing this area, the challenge for
those involved in the project is clear: to join forces to build a future
in which transcultural coexistence has become normal and in which changes
in the urban landscape as a result of immigration are not perceived as
a threat. For the city is not – as some people would have us believe
– conflict and fear, but above all an opportunity.
by Georg Dinstl, Christian Kasper und Josef Wurm – developed in
collaboration with many young people from the Volksgarten and with YAP
– Young Active People
Location: Wall in the southern part of Volksgarten
of creation of the mural
The results of two workshops can be viewed on a wall behind the children’s
playground. The graffiti works have been created with stencils. First
the subject is cut out from cardboard as a negative image and is then
sprayed on a surface with the help of the stencil, which creates the positive
image. Georg Dinstl, Christian Kasper and Josef Wurm are all experienced
stencil artists and they have also conceived the overall design.

Snapshot of the preparatory work for the mural
by Maryam Mohammadi –
in collaboration with 28 people frequenting the Marienplatz
Location: on Marienplatz and in < rotor >
Presentation on Marienplatz: only from Sept 25 to Oct 23!
of the portraits in public space
Funded by a scholarship program Maryam Mohammadi runs a studio inside
the Rondo. She has invited people to come to her place who make use of
the various facilities around the Marienplatz or work there. What has
been created in the studio are portraits, preferably depicting people
in moments of relaxation. In a second step the people who had been portrayed
took photographs of things of importance for them.

Pic.: Two portraits from the
series with people of Marienplatz by Maryam Mohammadi
by Marlene Hausegger
Location: Annestraße 39
of the facade redesign
A dozen people responded to the public
tender for a free artistic redesign of a house front. The house Annenstraße
39, which is perfectly suitable for Marlene Hausegger’s idea, was
finally selected. Following a precise schedule the house front was painted
over around seven windows. Assisted by climbers this activity was carried
out in early September.

Pic.: The colours were applied
out of the windwos
by Nicole Pruckermayr
Location: Eggenberger Gürtel, on the corner to Niesenbergergasse
On her poster “Mehr Wildnis für die Stadt“ Nicole Pruckermayr
demands more wilderness for the city and the people are asked to “open
up gaps between buildings and plant something ... or let it grow on its
own”. This is a plea for the unplanned, for proactiveness. In an
area where all existing waste ground is turned into building plots sooner
or later this project formulates the residents’ desire for green
and open spaces.

A look-out to thick green is desired
Tere Recarens with support of Daniela Paes Leão and The Blue House,
Amsterdam, and the participation of around 350 people from the housing
estate Idlhof and the surrounding streets
Location: Yard of the housing estate Idlhof, entrance Idlhofgasse 18
Time : Sunday, September 26, 3 pm to 8 pm
Afterwards the poster is available at < rotor >
of Idlhof-Fest
In June the two artists – backed up
by a < rotor > team – roamed the streets of the quarter. They
invited residents and passers-by to draw their statements on subjects
like neighbourhood or life in the area on white boards. A final collaborative
poster which includes many of the drawings as well as selected photographs
will be presented on September 26 at the Idlhof-Feast.

Many people gave very personal statements to the topic of neighbourhood
by Cactus, Josef Fürpaß,
Manuel Grassler, Ursula Kiesling, Mischa Mendlik, Lukáš Müller,
Maki Stolberg, Škart
Locations: Ungergasse, on the corner to Idlhofgasse, as well as garden
wall of the house Keplerstraße 82 and at various initiatives, shops
and pubs in the quarter
of the two poster walls
of the posters at different locations in the Annenviertel
The changes within the Annenviertel, social
coexistence and the possibilities of active participation in decision-making
processes are both starting point and topic of the poster series. The
experienced graphic designers of the London-based group Cactus and the
Škart group from Belgrade have guided the production stage. Finally
the posters were printed in the near-by Traumwerk and the Alexander Bauer
print shop.

Pic.: One of the motives of
the poster workshop [Translation: This could become a place of historic
by resanita
Location: Josef-Huber-Gasse 17
From Oct 28 2010! – Presentation on this day at 5pm
Agarics came to our city and took possession
of a house. They were summoned by the artists’ duo resanita. It
was the members of resanita who cordially invited the parasites to organize
themselves on the house front. What preceded was a period of intensive
analysis of these growths which took place in an experimental laboratory
over the summer. The < rotor > served as the laboratory.

Pic.: An agaric worked on
by resanita
by Delaine & Damian Le
Bas in the frame of a workshop and in cooperation with Julius Balog, Zsolt
Berki and Štefan Oláh
Location: The pavilion SHELTER – realised by Erwin Stefanie Posarnig
and located on Andrä-Platz
The SHELTER pavilion – realized by
Erwin Stefanie Posarnig and located on Andrä-Platz since 2003 –
has been an important location on this square since then. Initially, the
workshop addressed maintenance issues to increase its usability, and then
it was devoted to some extensions when personal notes of the workshop
participants and a few guests were inscribed into the building.

one of many details the lamp has been designed
by ILA in collaboration with
young people from YAP – Young Active People, in the frame of a workshop
Location: in front of the youth center YAP, Orpheumgasse 8
An object was created in the frame of a workshop
that permanently changes in further consequence. And we enjoy keeping
track of these changes with persistent curiosity. Different clods of earth
from the Gleinalm region were pieced together on a table-like construction.
Thus plants were introduced into the urban environment which to date haven’t
been there in front of the youth centre.

Pic.: The growing artwork
needs to be maintained and watered