Pic.: Petra Varl, "Jumpers", 2010.

>>    Maribor <edu> Graz presents


Opening of the exhibition:
Friday, June 29, 2012, from 6 pm (open end!)
Official opening, introduction to the exhibition: 6 pm
Greeting messages by
Nataša Kos (Maribor 2012 – European Capital of Culture) and Michael Grossmann (Graz City Councillor for Culture)

Photos of the opening
Photos of the exhibition

Participating artists:
Nika Autor, Nataša Berk, Daniela Brasil, Constantin Luser, Matej Modrinjak / fotomuzej.si, Wendelin Pressl, Maruša Sagadin, Petra Varl, Veli & Amos, Josef Wurm

A joint project by:
son:DA / Maribor & < rotor > / Graz

Duration:: 30.6. - 21.7. & 20.8. - 8.9.2012

Opening hours: MO – FR 10am - 6 pm, SA 12am - 4pm
Closed on Sundays and bank holidays

Dialogic tours through the exhibition for school classes and other groups by prior appointment:
rotor@mur.at, 0316/ 688306

Free entrance!

An experimental setup in the two Cultural Capitals of Graz and Maribor.
These are the two second-largest cities of their countries. And: In both cities there is still no training for visual artists on an academic level.Thinking about alternative knowledge and know-how transfer is of sustained interest for art education and training too.
An open transnational process has been triggered off wherein collaborative action leads to the activation of artistic and critical forces. The project thematizes the social environment where the knowledge transfer takes place, life in public space, the city as a foil for acts of art.

Workshops und Interventions in the frame of Maribor <edu> Graz between July and September 2012. At < rotor > and the urban space of Graz and Maribor. Programme updates will be posted here on the rotor-webpage.

"“Lesson 2“ by “Maribor <edu> Graz“ will be presented in October 2012 in the frame of Maribor 2012 – European Capital of Culture.

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Starting from 6 pm., openings take place on this day at Camera Austria, Kunstverein Medienturm, < rotor > and Grazer Kunstverein; referred to in short as CMRK.

Kunstverein Medienturm, "Rainy Days", 7p.m.
Camera Austria, "DLF 1874 - Die Biografie der Bilder", 8p.m.
Grazer Kunstverein, "I had no other choice than to jump from one pile to the other, as there was nothing in between", 9p.m.

FREE shuttle bus service on June 29:
Departure VIENNA: 3 pm, Vienna State Opera, bus stop of IKEA bus / Departure GRAZ: 11 pm, Künstlerhaus, Opernring
