This project is a projection of a particular period in the recent history
of Turkey via Istanbul. It is such a period that is blurred with the terror
imposed by the harsh dynamics of politics and economics that shaped life.
It is also such a period that is neglected by the consequences of these
dynamics. From political climate to IMF-dependent economy; internal migration
attack; and a constant cultural schizophrenia fed by conflicts between
East and West, secularism and fundamental Islam, left and right, and eventually
nationalism and separatism. By departing from that flux of political and
cultural conditions, the whole project addresses the visual and aural
representations and productions of a targeted generation that was stuck
in between two generations -that of early 70’s as highly politically
engaged and has been severely punished for it and 80’s sleeping
generation that has been totally apolitical. Yet, the production mechanism
and the assembly of this in-between generation was either neglected or
dissolved in the fast pace of life before.
As the curators of the project Erden Kosova and Basak Senova inspect the
potential and the outcome of such a research on this particular period
and generation. Thereby, the project consists of several inter-related
parts as the artistic productions; cultural arte-facts; and visual and
verbal information via comics and fanzines.
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Program on Saturday, April 26
Location: Balkan Konsulat c/o < rotor >, Belgiergasse 8/ I
22.00 CET DJ party
Location: Postgarage, Dreihackengasse 42, 2/5 BZ
in cooperation with contemporary art in graz
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26.4.2003 - 28.6.2003
museum in progress at Schauspielhaus Graz
Memed Erdener, Hatice Guleryuz
Location: Schauspielhaus Graz, Freiheitsplatz