Pic.: Erzen Shkololli

>>      Erzen Shkolloli

Artist-in-residence from Peje, Kosova of the Cultural City Network, Graz

Presentation: September 28, 2001, 8 pm

Erzen Shkololli - one of the youngest and most interesting artsts still active in Kosova - works with the local rituals and folklore. His pieces are built with wool and fabrics taken from national costumes and flags and then reassembled in patchworks and installations, Shkololli acts as a sort of instinctive and biased anthropologist: he re-enacts traditional ceremonies, while insinuating contemporary symbols and disillusions. It's this indecision between pas and present that makes Shkololli's work a typical example of what it means to work in the Balkans today: we suffer from a tragic form of ideological strabismus, and we are lost between tradition and modernity, remembrance and hope, freedom and death. (Edi Muka)