Finally, it’s available!
Belgrade, St. Petersburg, Prague, Istanbul, Budapest, Sarajevo.
Once located in the Belgiergasse, the honorable Konsulat.
Shining samovar and the future in the coffee grounds, art, art, art *
The celebration: "One dozen official speeches“ held by honorable
people, pictures from the Konsulat. The Burek brings Burek. Musical reminiscences:
Kurt Bauer, Rainer Binder- Krieglstein und Lothar Lässer.
Afterwards: Planet JUGOTON! Odessa, Djvap, Rediska
Specialmente: Türkpop mit Dj Muratti. Live Percussion / Arabian Spirit
Coach Khaled auf Darbuka, Bongos & Giovanj
Balkan Konsulat- The Book is published by Revolver on the occasion of
the exhibition series Balkan Konsulat at < rotor > Graz, from Oct.
2002 to November 2003 www.revolver-books.de
The book costs 19 Euro and can be ordered at Revolver
or at < rotor > : rotor@mur.at