Pic.: One among many shops in the Milan Isola district, which shutters has been designed by the Isola Art Center.

>>     Isola Art Center

Presentation and Discussion
With guests from Milan: Berth Theis and Mariette Schlitz
Moderation: Oliver Ressler

November 19 2009, 8 p.m.

< rotor >
Volksgartenstraße 6a
8020 Graz

The Isola Art Center is an outstanding art initiative dealing with urban development and city district field work. Founded in 2001 the center operates in the Milan district of the same name - Isola. In 2003 a former factory building at the heart of the district was occupied and subsequently put to intensive cultural use. In 2007 the building was cleared falling prey to the intentions of the Milan city government and a Texan real estate development agency. Yet the activists didn't bury their heads in the sand but decided to continue their work. Since then a number of projects have been developed in cooperation with initiatives from the Isola district and beyond.
