Pic.: Gert Kragol.



>> Farewell Party

Friday, 30 October 2015, 4 pm
Jogllandarena, Strallegg 100

In the frame of the long-term project Nice Places

For two summers, the remarkable tractor with soundsystem was a guest at Strallegg. Now, it is time to say farewell and take the last chance, to fill the Jogllandarena with sound.

„Soundsystem Truck“ is a work done by artist Marlene Hausegger,
created in cooperation with Ramona Pöckelhofer, Kassandra Pichler, Laura Pöckelhofer, Carina Kandlhofer, Carmen Pernhofer, Sabrina Buchebner, Sarah Zottler, Alina- Alexandra Tudori and the trainees from Autohaus Felber.

Nice Places
Artists and adolescents investigate local potential and resources in Frohnleiten, Leibnitz, Raaba, Rottenmann and Strallegg.

A cooperative project between
Youth Point Kleinregion Birkfeld
< rotor > Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst Graz
Institut für Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Steiermark
Steirischer Dachverband der offenen Jugendarbeit
