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* * * * * * * * * * * * * As part of the current exhibition SUGAR.
Industrial Heritage and
Colonialism, Susanna Steiger-Moser, historian and author,
will give a lecture on the impact of the sugar industry, production
and consumption on society. The full title of the lecture is: Sweet Interactions: Work – Society – Health
using the example of the former sugar factory Hirm in Burgenland.
Sugar evokes different associations in everyone. When asked
spontaneously, people usually think of sweetness, health problems,
pleasure, weight problems or diabetes. Susanna Steiger-Moser also
makes some other connections – jobs, migration, agriculture,
industry, influence on social and economic structures.
The production of beet sugar has contributed to significant changes
within a few decades. Using the example of a small community in
Burgenland, social and economic interactions of this luxury food
with society are presented, in parallel with the change in its
assessment – from luxury to dangerous good.
Furthermore, the artist Isa Rosenberger will be a guest,
she will talk
about her exhibition contribution Sugar Campaign. In it, she also
deals with a sugar factory formerly producing in Austria whose
construction was approved in Enns, Upper Austria, in 1928. 60 years
later, in 1988, the sugar factory was closed for economic reasons.
Subsequently, the cultural centre d’Zuckerfabrik cultural was set
in part of the former factory premises, and it has remained an
essential organiser of an engaging cultural programme in the region
down to the present day.
In Isa Rosenberger’s work, the stage of the cultural centre becomes
the setting for a scenic tour through the history of the Enns sugar
factory. She unfolds a narrative along a timeline, guiding through
historical and contemporary economic, political and ecological
crises and transformation processes.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * Isa Rosenberger,
from the video lecture „Sugar Campaign“, 2021
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * EASTERN SUGAR,
a project co-funded by the programme Creative Europe of the European Union
and implemented by the Slovak National Gallery in cooperation
with partners: < rotor > centre for contemporary art (AT),
Centre for Contemporary Art FUTURA (CZ), Schafhof – European Center for Art Upper Bavaria (DE),
La Box gallery of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art
(FR), T-TUDOK Inc., Centre for Knowledge Management and
Educational Research (HU),
and associated partners – Kunsthalle Bratislava (SK),
Muzeum Sztuki Lódž (PL).
Co-funded by:
Project funding for Ilona Németh's
contribution to the exhibition:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * < rotor > is supported by:
Members of the < rotor > association
City of Graz - Cultural Department
State of Styria - Department for Culture, Europe, Sport
Federal Ministery for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport
Mit Loidl oder Co. Graz
European Solidarity Corps