Photo: Thomas Raggam






Goddess Comeback
Modellingworkshop with Marina Stiegler
Saturday, September 28th 2024, 15:00
Location: Das ANNENViERTLER Büro zur Rettung der Welt, Annenstraße 20, 8020 Graz


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In the current exhibition at < rotor >, the artist Marina Stiegler is represented with a work about the Bird Goddess of Graz, which invites visitors to participate, to take some clay and mould your own goddess!

At the workshop at the ANNENViERTLER Büro zur Rettung der Welt, she will give an introduction to archaeological finds of goddess figurines from all over Europe, dating back to around 30,000 years BCE. Based on this, the participants can then model their own empowering being out of clay.

Reflecting the life-affirming aspect of the goddess, plant seeds are mixed into the clay and the figurines can then be handed over to the earth and grow in spring.

Anyone aged 18 and over can take part, please register at: or 0316/688306. Number of participants: max. 13 people.
The workshop is free of charge.

In cooperation with: Verein Stadtteilprojekt ANNENViERTEL & ANNENViERTLER Büro zur Rettung der Welt.

In the frame of the current exhibition WILD SPOTS Enforesting Ourselves in the Urban World

Duration of the exhibition: 07.06. - 03.08.2024 + 26.08. - 19.10.2024

Opening hours: Mo–Fr 10:00–18:00, Sa 12:00–16:00
Wednesday till 22:00
Closed on Sundays and public holidays Free admission!

Photo: Marina Stiegler, Thomas Raggam
