the fight against ecocide and femicide
Workshop conducted by Ren Aldridge
Saturday, 16. November
2024, 14:00
Location: < rotor >, Volksgartenstraίe 6a, Graz
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Resistance Quilt Project explores the
social norms and political structures that uphold gender based violence
and femicide. During the workshops these norms and structures are being
discussed, and this discussion leads then to generate political demands.
Each demand then forms the basis for a bed-sheet banner.
For the workshop as part of Sediment, the group discussion can focus on
the social norms and political structures that stand behind both ecocide
and femicide. There is lots to explore in terms of how capitalist patriarchy
treats the bodies of women and the earth. The sense of entitlement that
perpetrators of gender based violence to sex and reproductive labour from
women that many perpetrators hold mirrors the sense of entitlement to
the earth and its resources that stands at the heart of ecocide. Efforts
to contain and control nature mirror patriarchal efforts to contain and
control women.
Registration is requested:, 0316/688306
The exhibition Sediment is organised in cooperation with Loading Archive,
Diyarbakir. In spring 2024, Dicle Bestas worked on the project in the
frame of the Styria Artist-in-Residence (St.A.i.R.) programme. Sediment
is part of the project Art Space Unlimited co-funded by the European Union.
The workshop is organised as part of the Sediment Exhibition.
Sediment is part of the Art Space Unlimited project co-financed by the European