Pic.: Reinhard Mayr.



>> Artist´s talk with
Isa Rosenberger

on Saturday, 7 May 2016, 4 pm
Location: < rotor >, Volksgartenstraße 6a, 8020 Graz

In the context of her current cinematic works Courage and Café Vienne, the artist introduces two widely forgotten female pioneers of the Austrian cultural life, who were expelled due to their Jewish backgrounds.

COURAGE is dedicated to the Austrian-Jewish theatre director, actress and chansonnière Stella Kadmon (1902–89), a pioneer of the Viennese theatre culture between First and Second World War. For the filmproject Emmy Werner, actress, stage director and theatre manager, who maintained a long working relationship with Stella Kadmon, searches for traces in the former premises of the „Theater der Courage“ at Franz-Josefs-Kai 29 in Vienna (which today houses the „Komödie am Kai“).

CAFÉ VIENNE emanates from the Austrian-Jewish-US-American writer and screenwriter Gina Kaus (1893–1985), who had to emigrate to Los Angeles in 1939 and established herself as a screenwriter in Hollywood. The video was commissioned by the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles and at various levels deals with commissioned art and the ability to adjust. Singer Tini Trampler performs a self-composed song, which is based on Kaus´ biography and talks Rosenberger had with women working in the field of contemporary culture.

Artist´s talk in the frame of the Galerientage - Aktuelle Kunst in Graz 2016.

Galerientage - Aktuelle Kunst in Graz

Admission free!
