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Feminist Songbook - Presentation Songbook Presentation and live music Monday, 26. June, 2023, 18:30 to
Location: < rotor >, Volksgartenstraße 6a, Graz
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Songbook Presentation with Insights into the Creative Process & Live Music
The feminist songbook (with comments from feminist research) is a project
by Sol Haring and Christian Punzengruber (risograd). Design: Hanna Helena
Gerhardt, co-funded by the GRRRLS Cultural Association, with the collaboration
of Anita Mörth and Daniela Jauk.
In the book: Song lyrics with guitar chords from Graz bands: lonesome
hot dudes, killa marilla, haring & the trouts, and supernachmittag.
The presentation revolves around the creation process of the songbook,
the theoretical quotes, and supernachmittag (Sol Haring & Anita Mörth)
will perform some of the songs "unplugged" with their guitars.