Pic.: Chto Delat?, Angry Sandwich People or In Praise of Dialectics, 2006, Video Still


Joanna Sokolowska presents Videos out of the Archives of Zacheta National Gallery, Warsaw

Wednesday, June 10, 2009, 8 p.m.

< rotor >
Volksgartenstraße 6a
8020 Graz


The programme is based on presentation of video works and documentation of artistic activities held at the Zache;ta National Gallery of Art as a part the project Another City, Another Life. The updated selection presented here features works dealing with the social, economical and political transformation in post-socialist cities in East Europe.

With videos of: Vahram Aghasyan (Jerewan), Zbynek Baladrán (Prag), Chto Delat? (St. Petersburg), Miklós Erhardt (Budapest), Angelika Fojtuch (Warschau), Khinkali Juice (Tiflis), Karol Radziszewski (Warschau), R.E.P. (Kiew), Škart (Belgrad), Mona Vatamanu & Florin Tudor (Bukarest), Voina (Moskau).
